Reisen in Georgien und darüber hinaus im Südkaukasus: Eintauchen in das Abenteuer, die Geschichte und die Kultur des faszinierenden Reiselandes Sakartwelo, Georgien mit Menschen, die das Land leben, lieben und schätzen.


What makes my heart warm

when I look in the logfiles of this blog, I see from where are visitors coming, like searching for this and that, and visitors are coming from "common" countries like Belgium, Poland, Austria, Germany, Canada or France, but then my eye stops and sees there a "uncommon" and "rare" visitor from Ecuador ? Who is that ? Who is there in Ecuador interested in the Caucasus (of course there are probably many !) but it happens rarely here. 
I start thinking and suddenly I realize, yeah, it's JÜRGEN, my buddy from Samarkand,Uzbekistan, from Essen ! 

Hey Jürgen, nice to feel your track here in the Caucasian Internet Ravines and my best wishes to you and for a great 2009 over there at the hot pacific beaches at Ecuador ! Thanks for your letter ! Tomorrow we fly to Germany for a late Christmas, I hope to answer soon. Heiner


8.30 Snow in Tbilisi

About Georgia and (little) Wonders

Occasionally I tell my guests, that Georgia is a special country, where wonders are happening much more often than elsewhere. Mostly they don't believe me at firsthand and I start to explain about what happend then or then miraculous under the most unbelievable circumstances.

Today happened two little wonders, they probably happen all over the world too, but it let me think, about Georgia, the little country near the paradise where happen very often smaller and bigger wonders... ;-)

I had a guest today in my studio, when she left, we went together to catch a Taxi for her at Leselidze Street. We stopped a red Mercedes Taxi, and she left for her home.  After 20 minutes she called me back, if she had maybe lost her keys in my place, I checked everything, nothing. Another 20 minutes later calls me an unknown caller, tells me he is the Taxi Driver, if I know about a foreign  woman etcetera, he brought her the keys, and I was wondering, where did this friendly man get my cell phone number from... ?  No idea.

Another foreign acquintence, who did me a favour, I specially met today to give him a little present for Christmas, to say thank you. It was an A4 print of one of my Caucasus Map Drawings, made in Spring this year. When opening the envelope, he was very curious and told me, "Ah you are the one doing this drawings, strange, yesterday I had been at a party and saw one of these series in that hosts apartment. Asking from who it was, they couldn't tell exactly, except some German guy living in Tbilisi, called Hans.


Reiseprogramm Georgien 2009 mit Kaukasus-Reisen

2009 bieten wir ein reduziertes festes Programm von drei außergewöhnlichen Reisen in Georgien an. Die Lage in Georgien hat sich weitgehend normalisiert und wir hoffen auf ein friedliches Reisejahr 2009.

Flora im Kaukasus
From Bergtrekking Kaukasus

From Bergtrekking Kaukasus
26.09.-07.10. Details zum Reiseprogramm hier

Weitere Touren auf Anfrage. Wir wünschen Ihnen ein friedliches Weihnachtsfest und einen guten Start ins Neue Jahr !

Nature and Adventure Tours 2009 in Georgia

In 2009 we will offer only a compressed programme of our tours:

Flora in the Caucasus

From Bergtrekking Kaukasus
June 20 till July 3
more details here

From Bergtrekking Kaukasus
September 26 till October 7

Other tours on request. The situation in Georgia is quiet and we look optimistic forward to the Travel season 2009. Enjoy one of the most grandessa destinations in the world: Georgia


kazbek-new0-true, originally uploaded by grijsz.

Happy Christmas, dear Reader !


Caucasus T-Shirts and Polos

From Drop Box

Caucasus Shirts & Polos New Collection



caucasus11var-ellipse-new2opt, originally uploaded by grijsz.

Baku, Yerevan, Tbilisi and a star !


georg11sakartvelo, originally uploaded by grijsz.

Sakartvelo საქართველო Georgia



nugzari-holy-george-dragon, originally uploaded by grijsz.

Painting by Nugzari Natenadze,Zminda Giorgi, Holy George, 102x77cm, Oil on board, 2006

Horse Thief Girl T-Shirt

From Art Club Caucasus works by various artists

US Customers please look here:

EUR Customers please look here:

Horse Thief Drawing and Design by Hans


fireworks, originally uploaded by grijsz.

Tbilisi, December 2008

A love affair with Georgian lemons

One needs to taste a Georgian lemon from the Regions Adjara and Guria close to the Black Sea to know what a real lemon is. It's such an amazing aroma, an exhilarating scent you'll never forget. Georgian lemons look slightly different than "normal lemons" a bit greener, a colder yellow, the skin is more glossy. If you are in Georgia right now, lemons from Georgia could be a nice uncommon present to your beloved at Christmas ;-)



falling-horse-thief-true770, originally uploaded by grijsz.