Reisen in Georgien und darüber hinaus im Südkaukasus: Eintauchen in das Abenteuer, die Geschichte und die Kultur des faszinierenden Reiselandes Sakartwelo, Georgien mit Menschen, die das Land leben, lieben und schätzen.


To all my Readers: A wonderful 2008

Photo: Trix Zürcher, Switzerland


Three Caucasian Still Lifes

still-life-series001opt, originally uploaded by grijsz.

still-life-series004opt, originally uploaded by grijsz.

still-life-series005opt, originally uploaded by grijsz.



blacksmith, originally uploaded by grijsz.

At Kabali Basar, Kakheti, Georgia Caucasus


Art Club Caucasus International

Art Club Caucasus, originally uploaded by grijsz.

Where do we go we don't know

We want to create a loose network of artists, collectors, publishers, gallery owners. All the possible members I want to invite, around 40 so far, are very good professionals but not rarely alienated, with a lack of discussion and a lack of their friends. We would like to have a Manifesto too, but that should commonly discussed on our first Art Club Caucasus Reunion somewhere End of August, Beginning of September 2008 in the Caucasus. We will journey together, party, create art and have fun ! The Caucasus is one of the best places on earth to make the best art.

I am aware, that maybe not every member can join us on our annual meetings, but I will try hard to get a good bunch of artists together !

I wish you a lucky and funny Christmas !

Best regards, Hans Heiner Buhr

More info on

Boy Tusheti Hegho

boy Tusheti Hegho, originally uploaded by grijsz.

Hope to see you in Tusheti in 2008
Need a good service to get there ?


Roshka with Chaukhi

Roschka, originally uploaded by grijsz.

Near Roshka in Khevsureti, Georgia


Hans's way by Lela Meparishvili

Hans's way, originally uploaded by leluchi.


Unknown girl

A portait by Lela Meparishvili, Georgia

New Art Clubs in Tbilisi

Patricia London ante Paris from Munich, (a former student of Daniel Spoerri) had a nice opening tonight with drawings of white pencil on black paper in the Cumbo Club Tbilisi of Vato Tsereteli, where we had also our first ever Jever Beer in Georgia, and quite cheap. I am sure you'll like this place, more info here

See the full size view

Rusiko Oat
, one of the former founders of the New Art Gallery opened the New Art Gallery Cafe in a nice wide basement on Orbeliani Street 31 (near the Flower Market at Kolchos Square), on display different cool artists from Tbilisi mostly with drawings and graphic, like Konstantin Sulaberidze, Micha Shengelia and others

Rusiko Oat is from Welsh origin, like other Georgian lines are from Scotland with the names Mari and Oakley. She told me, that her welsh Great-Grandfather fought for Tsarist Russia, later after 1917 on the side of the White Army and was married to a daughter of the Georgian General Aperashvili. Sometimes in 1921 near Ural he succeeded to send his wife and children back to Tbilisi, but was catched and killed by Red Army Forces.


Coming to the Caucasus by land route not by plane

as my friend Alex
had a terrible time waiting for a flight connecting home, he figured out a great way to avoid the plane and go on the ground from England to Tbilisi, Georgia:

"Fed up with spending hours and hours hanging around in Riga International Airport, waiting for a transit Air Zena flight? Disgusted by the extortionate prices for direct flights to Georgia levied by British Airlines, Lufthansa, and Turkish Airlines?* Well, if you are insane enough to try, here is how to get to Tbilisi from London without leaving the ground (and contributing to the plague of international air travel):

Day 1
Proceed to St Pancras International, and catch an early Eurostar train to Brussels (300+ km). From Brussels, catch the 14:20 Thalys to Cologne (200+), arriving at 17:45. Spend a few hours in Cologne, then buy a picnic, and board the sleeper to Vienna (900+), which leaves at 20:00.

Day 2
Having arrived in Vienna, one must take a short train to Budapest (200+), which arrives at 13:00. After spending the afternoon in Budapest, one must board the sleeper to Bucharest (600+), which leaves at 17:45.

read the further steps on Alex'

You travel, you see, you arrive. Would be cool to do this way on horseback too...


Ein herrliches Weihnachtsgeschenk für Freunde Georgiens

wäre... ?

Eine gute Flasche Sarajishvili Kognac vielleicht ?

Eine Tschocha ? Das traditionelle Oberkleid georgischer Männer, unheimlich, schön, praktisch und angenehm zu tragen... ich habe schon eine, siehe oben, es gibt sie in schwarz, weiß und rot. Preis um die 140,00 Lari, am besten in Tbilissi besorgen lassen und mit Anprobe wäre es natürlich perfekt. Obige Kopfbedeckung ist übrigens eine Chabalacha, wie sie in Westgeorgien getragen wird, Preis um die 100,00 Lari.

Ein wunderbares Geschenk ist auch der herrliche Film von Ruth Olshan "Wie Luft zum Atmen" mit atemberaubenden Bildern und der Musikalität, die den Georgiern im Blute liegt. Eine der besten Kameraführungen die ich in diesem Jahr in einem Film gesehen habe. Zu bestellen als DVD für EUR 19.90 im Shob von hier

Oder ein Originalfoto junger georgischer Fotografen ? (Kontaktieren Sie die Fotografen über ihr jeweiliges Profil, Preise sind Verhandlungssache...) zum Beispiel

Lela Meparishvili

Maka, originally uploaded by leluchi.

oder Paata Vardanashvili ?

David Gareja, originally uploaded by Paata (

Weitere Ideen für Weihnachtsgeschenke können Sie gern in den Kommentaren posten...

1 December, World Aids Day

Connected to aids day, management students of Georgian theatre and film university organized a project. It took place in II building of the university, in newly opened basement, which was being prepared and cleaned by students for 2 weeks for this day. This space is specially choosen for students to organize parties, shows and different kinds of arrangements.
Specially for this project students invited rector, pro-rector and other professors of the university. Participants included unviersity boy's choir "Teatralebi" and girl's choir, singer Sister soul, Sukhishvili dancers..Later band, darbouka & Tom-Tom show and dj performance at night.
The project was sponsored by Red-Bull.

Preparing "a la fourchette"



Playing lottery

Sister Soul with band

Anchiskhati Basilica At Night

Anchiskhati is one of the oldest, triple-nave basilica in Tbilisi, built in VI century. It's old name is unknown. "Anchiskhati" was called in 17th century, when the icon of christ was brought here from Anchi monastery (in the south of georgia, now northeast Turkey). The icon is currently preserved in the Georgian National Museum of Fine Arts. Anchiskhati Basilica was damaged and rebuilt several times.

Anchiskhati Basilica
Anchiskhati Choir


View from Sanapiro, Mtkvari (Kura) river right-bank

View from main entrance stairs


Found Still-life Cafe PurPur

glass-opt1400, originally uploaded by grijsz.



These photos are taken in Batumi, july 2007..My favourite city with favourite and the sweetest, unforgetable memories..

Street near central boulevard
Building near boulevard
Sun wheel
Statue on central boulevard


Still-life with mirror

still-life-with-mirror, originally uploaded by grijsz.

Cafe PurPur, Tbilisi


megobrobistvis by Lela Meparishvili

megobrobistvis, originally uploaded by leluchi.

discover Lela's photos from Georgia Caucasus at Flickr here

and the see 3 very cool Flickr-Groups on Georgia

Sakartvelo Republic of Georgia

The Georgians


Georgian Artists Sakartvelo

Reisebericht Kaukasus von Thomas Heinze und Nico Dünkel

im Eurasischen Magazin unter dem Titel: Im Kaukasus - wo der Gast von Gott kommt aus "einer der wohl abenteuerlichsten und geheimnisvollsten Regionen der Welt."

Der ganze Artikel hier: