Reisen in Georgien und darüber hinaus im Südkaukasus: Eintauchen in das Abenteuer, die Geschichte und die Kultur des faszinierenden Reiselandes Sakartwelo, Georgien mit Menschen, die das Land leben, lieben und schätzen.



karabair-ole, originally uploaded by grijsz.

I wanted to write something about Toyota Landcruiser, Lada Niva's, Pajero and Nissan Patrol and their use but struggled the whole evening and half night with my so-called "ADSL"-connection, that I gave up and postet this nice image...

In the recent reshuffle of the Government last week I absolutely could not see much sense, now got to read this analyze on Messenger, not sure if that is the last and best conclusion (but I have no better).

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