Reisen in Georgien und darüber hinaus im Südkaukasus: Eintauchen in das Abenteuer, die Geschichte und die Kultur des faszinierenden Reiselandes Sakartwelo, Georgien mit Menschen, die das Land leben, lieben und schätzen.


You do not need a Visa to Georgia, if you are from the following states:

1. All European Union Member States
2. Republic of Armenia
3. Republic of Azerbaijan
4. Republic of Belarus
5. Republic of Bulgaria***
6. Canada
7. Peoples Republic of China*
8. Arab Republic of Egypt**
9. Islamic republic of Iran*
10. Israel
11. Japan
12. Republic of Kazakhstan
13. Kyrgyz Republic
14. Republic of Moldova
16. Switzerland
17. Republic of Tajikistan
18. Republic of Turkey**
19. Turkmenistan*
20. Ukraine
21. United States of America
22. Republic of Uzbekistan

* holders of diplomatic and official passports only; ** holders of diplomatic, official
and special passports only; *** holders of diplomatic passports only.

Up to 3 month.

Source: Website Botschaft Georgiens in Deutschland

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