Reisen in Georgien und darüber hinaus im Südkaukasus: Eintauchen in das Abenteuer, die Geschichte und die Kultur des faszinierenden Reiselandes Sakartwelo, Georgien mit Menschen, die das Land leben, lieben und schätzen.


Airzena/Georgian Airways implemented Online Booking

Airzena/Georgian Airways implemented Online Booking, congratulations ! It's late, but you are still one of the first Companies in Georgia to do so.

A short test booking online I found convenient, clear and easy and for a Return flight from Frankfurt on June, 16 to Tbilisi and back from Tbilisi to Frankfurt on June, 30 the system gave me a price of EUR 492,77 for one adult including taxes.

Maybe the company should once become clearer about their name, whether it's Airzena or Georgian Airways, as there are always many confusions about that. (If you ask me, I think Airzena is perfect.)

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